Please go to Martin Armstrong's main site for current information...
I believe the main message of this site should be the work that Martin Armstrong has done and is doing for the benefit of everyone, I have therefore removed all previous information regarding the controversy of his articles being posted on the internet while he was in prison.
Let me just say that I have great respect for the work Martin Armstrong has done and continues to do, I have stated I think he should get the Nobel Prize in Economics for his Economic Confidence Model, I have also found him to be very generous with his time at conferences (standing around afterwards talking to dozens of people) and also answering their questions on his blog. Marty who has many positive qualities as a human being and who I believe is trying to help society at large with his work, we are headed for very rough seas, governments need to listen to the man who predicted this debt crisis at least 3 decades ago.
See some of his solutions to the problems below.
Russ Browne
I believe the main message of this site should be the work that Martin Armstrong has done and is doing for the benefit of everyone, I have therefore removed all previous information regarding the controversy of his articles being posted on the internet while he was in prison.
Let me just say that I have great respect for the work Martin Armstrong has done and continues to do, I have stated I think he should get the Nobel Prize in Economics for his Economic Confidence Model, I have also found him to be very generous with his time at conferences (standing around afterwards talking to dozens of people) and also answering their questions on his blog. Marty who has many positive qualities as a human being and who I believe is trying to help society at large with his work, we are headed for very rough seas, governments need to listen to the man who predicted this debt crisis at least 3 decades ago.
See some of his solutions to the problems below.
Russ Browne